

git log --pretty=format:"%ad%x09%s" --date=short

2023.12 -

2024-03-22 move to SDXL from SD1.5
2024-01-20 fix broken links because of the trailing slash fix
2023-12-20 fix trailing slash in firebase setting
2023-12-19 add 10Winter-has-come, refactor articles relates to the prom
2023-12-18 remove misc/80replica, misc/81mocktail
2023-12-15 move to svelte 4

2023.02 -

2023-05-21 revise misc/80replica, misc/81mocktail, Y2
2023-05-20 add frontmatter.header
2023-05-13 revise misc/80replica, misc/81mocktail, Y2
2023-05-06 add misc/81mocktail
2023-03-18 revise Y1 to be consistent with Y2
2023-03-03 add Y2
2023-02-20 renewal. move to svelte, add icons by stable diffusion

2020.12 - 2022.10

2021-11-01 implement my_inline_quote_plugin
2021-10-27 move to VuePress v2, support dark mode, drop Edge-Legacy support
2021-10-27 rename 10Y* to Y1, 14A* to A*, 14N to N*.
2021-10-18 add 09Les-Belles-Noiseuses
2021-10-03 add 10Y1, delete not used files
2021-09-23 add 91thanks-and-links, 00overview
2021-07-18 change opengraph type from article to website
2021-06-21 reflect info from 20210619OregairuGatari10th 
2021-04-27 add 14N
2021-04-22 add 14.5
2021-04-05 lint
2021-03-29 add meta viewport
2021-03-26 13HadManyCharacterEndings
2021-03-10 12 subtle changes
2021-03-03 11 Yukinon tried to be threesome by giving the chocolate
2021-02-21 rewrite 10Hayatos-choice
2021-02-11 03Irohas shows no interests in 8Mn
2021-02-10 rewrite 09 in detail
2021-02-08 add 07Hachiman-must-be-prepared.md
2021-02-08 09 Quiet says be prepered for Yui's confession
2021-02-08 10Komachi shows the true solution which 8Mn wont take
2021-02-01 rewrite 08Why-Yukinon-runs-for-the-council.md
2021-01-27 07 The false confession prevented Yui from her true confession
2021-01-20 refine 065.md
2021-01-20 add 06Yukinons-excuses
2021-01-20 let section headlines same as the submenu's instead of `summary`
2021-01-20 05 Harunon is quite a trickster.
2021-01-20 04 Hayato is the isotope of 8Mn.
2021-01-20 03 8Mn rejected Yui by saying the gift is not for her, but for Sabre.
2021-01-20 It must be a trick Hachiman is depicted as a dullstick.
2021-01-05 03 Harunon was modest to get along with Yukinon.
2020-12-28 1 year annivesary from publishing

-202012, アニメ完終了

2020-09-25      add 14Triangle-at-the-end.md
2020-09-24      just before the last episode of the animation
2020-09-08      proofreading -vol.07  
2020-08-19      rewrite 13you-should-not-have-helped-me.
2020-08-13      rewrite 06Harunons-lessons.md
2020-08-05      add 13you-should-not-have-helped-me.
2020-07-21      add redirectors
2020-07-16      rename from camelFileName to snake-file-name
2020-07-15      rewrite 09DoubleMeaning to 09Save-me-someday
2020-07-13      rewrite - Zaimokuza's triggers in vol 03
2020-07-11      add 12ThenWeCanRestart.md
2020-06-21      update vuepress and npm packages
2020-06-21      fix copying dot files when deploy
2020-06-20      introduce custom section 'summary'
2020-06-20      proofreading vol.09-vol.14
2020-06-18      add references from abstracts to esseys
2020-06-17      separate 06Leadership from 06HarunoLesson
2020-06-17      add 'npm run sitemap' and 'npm run linkcheck'
2020-06-13      rewrite 06HayatoBehindTheScenes
2020-06-12      add 12CodependenceIsASignifiant
2020-06-12      add docs/story/14TheGenuineIsToDeconstruct